Choosing the check signing solution that is right for you!
We are happy to help you choose the right check signing or MICR laser check printing solution for your company. All of the Wycom solutions strive to provide the best balance between security and efficiency in your check disbursement process.

To start here are some questions that will help us provide you with the best solution:
Do you currently use pre-printed check (MICR line\logo address already printed on the check) or do you use blank check paper and your software prints the MICR line and check overlay?
What is your monthly check volume?
How many different check stocks or accounts do you process checks for?
How many signatures are required for your checks?
What level of security does your company require based on internal audit compliance or established workflow protocol?
What type of check signer if any are you currently using?
There are 3 basic scenarios that come into play as a company is looking for a check signing solution. In some instances you may want a check signing solution for pre-printed checks but would also consider moving to blank secure check printing. We can address all of these scenarios and many others with our Wycom solutions!
Automated signing of pre-printed checks:
#1 Print then sign your checks in a separate operation

Your accounting department would print the checks then take them to someone to manually sign the checks or use an outdated mechanical check signer to sign your check.
A better solution: First you would print the checks from your accounting system then place checks back into the printer and use a solution like our Wycom WySign to securely sign your checks. WySign will also create a record of each signing event in a cumulative audit log. This allows you to maintain a division of control between the “producer” of the checks and the “signer” of the checks.
With WySign all signatures are stored on a secure USB drive and no signatures or resources will be stored on your computer. User names and passwords control all access. Each check can even be printed with a advanced security line that will provide a unique audit number for each check signed and also will be recorded on a secure audit log.
#2 Print and sign your checks in one operation

The second option would be to have the checks securely signed as they are printed. In this event you will sign in to your Wycom check signing solution prior to printing your checks. You will select the appropriate programming that will correspond to the signature you desire. You will then initiate check printing and your check data will flow to the Wycom solution and signatures will be added and printed along with all the other check data. In addition Wycom can suppress signatures at a specific dollar amount in case you wish to hand sign checks with large dollar amounts. We can also provide a graphic protected amount line to thwart amount alteration!

Our two Wycom solutions for this second scenario would be Wycom Enterprise (all platforms\OS) and Wycom WyPayments (Windows) solutions. These secure Wycom solutions will allow you to log in to initiate the check signing process prior to printing. Your checks are then sent to either Wycom solution where they will be printed, your check amounts protected and checks signed.Would you like to eliminate pre-printed checks and print checks using secure blank check stock?
#3 Eliminate preprinted checks and migrate to full MICR laser check printing

In addition to signing pre-printed checks both Enterprise and WyPayments can be upgraded to print full check overlays with signatures to your MICR equipped laser printer to laser print the entire check on demand! Eliminate having to store pre-printed check stock. A check now simply does not exist until you create the check in your accounting system and initiate the Wycom to securely print and sign your checks.
In most instances you can use your current laser printer with MICR ink and secure blank check stock is less costly than preprinted check stock. In addition if you have an address change, account number change or any other graphic change we simply edit your digital check overlay and you eliminate having to have preprinted check reprinted!
Also you will have the option of retaining a non-negotiable .pdf image of the check that you Wycom solution printed. This a great feature for archiving images of printed checks that may need to recalled in the future.
Check Approval Process – the next level
Lastly let’s talk about advanced security and a multilevel approach to check approval! An added feature of WyPayments is our Payment Approval Module. This feature will allow accounting to prepare and send check payments to WyPayments. They are held in a pre-print queue awaiting final approval. The assigned approvers will receive an email notifying them of pending approval process.
They then log can into WyPayments and approve, hold or deny the check payments. They can even look at the check image as well in the approval screen.
Once this approval process is complete the accounting department can print all approved payments! This is a huge timesaver and another link in your chain of security over the check disbursement process.
Our goal is to provide a secure and efficient check signing and MICR laser printing solution for your company while keeping your current workflow and processes in place.
Please contact us for a full consultative approach to address your exact check signing needs! 800- 359-0364 or
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